About this Event
IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN🌺! Our annual International Extravaganza starts Monday April 12- Saturday April 17! Throughout the week, a variety of our clubs and organizations will be having events throughout the week for you to participate in and learn more about their culture and club. There is also an excursion to Paradise Cove on Saturday! Sign up in OSAL in Ching 106. You don’t want to miss out on this amazing and fun week🥳
Monday Filipino Club 12:30pm Cooking Demonstration at Zuberano Lawn
Tuesday World of Dance 4:00pm at Zuberano Lawn
Wednesday Hula dance video/ Taotao Marianas 6:00pm at Loo Student Center
Thursday Kalapu Tonga 3:00pm at Loo Student Center Zoom Guest Speaker with former Chaminade Kalapu Tonga Alumni Hinamoeatu Fale, 4:30pm Pre Packaged Tongan Meal, 5:00pm Movie
Friday Lumana’i O Samoa 5:00pm Zuberano Lawn Amazing Race
Saturday CSPB Paradise Cove dinner and luau. Transportation provided. Sign up in OSAL.
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