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Campus Ministry presents...  Share the JOY!

A "talk story" session each week with members from our community sharing stories of hope, encouragement, and of course... joy!

Our first #sharetheJOY of Spring 2021 will take place Wednesday, FEB 3rd, on the topic “The JOYful Voice of the Wave: What Surfers Know."

Our presenter will be Dr. James Kraus, Professor of English and (the very first) SURF STUDIES Program at Chaminade University.

ALL are invited and welcome, so please join us each Wednesday @ 4pm on Zoom as we gather and engage topics of what is True, Good, & Beautiful in our world!

For more information, check out or follow us on instagram @cuhministry!

And whatever you do, don’t forget… share the JOY!

Event Details

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Meeting ID: 381 041 9843


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*Sessions are recorded and will be made available upon request.

Please email Jeremiah Carter [email protected] for a copy.

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